Frequency: Meetings are held each term on the Wednesday in Week 2 and Week 8 of the Department of Education Queensland 2022 Calendar
Location: Staff Room (behind the school office)
Time: 7-8pm
Come along and hear about what is planned for 2022 and have your say. New faces and members always welcome!
We encourage everyone to come along and have their say. New faces and members always welcome, no matter what time of the year. If you have something to add to the agenda for discussion, please email:
2022 P&C meeting dates
Term 1
Wednesday 16th March Meeting and AGM 7 pm
All meetings are held in the Staffroom, located on the ground level at the back end of A Block.
Term 2
Wednesday 27th April 7 pm
Wednesday 8th June 7 pm
All meetings are held in the Staffroom, located on the ground level at the back end of A Block.
Term 3
Wednesday 20st July 7 pm
Wednesday 31st August 7 pm
All meetings are held in the Staffroom, located on the ground level at the back end of A Block.
Term 4
Wednesday 12th October 7 pm
Wednesday 23th November 7 pm
All meetings are held in the Staffroom, located on the ground level at the back end of A Block.